Monday, September 2, 2019

CWA 1109 would like to wish all of our members a Happy Labor Day. Labor Day is more than just a day for family and a day to mourn the end of summer, it's a reminder of why we fight. This is our holiday, the holiday to honor the working men and women. It is the holiday that honors the right to dictate our own working conditions instead of letting Corporate America dictate it for us. As CWA members, we have proved that we are willing to walk out to protect our working conditions. Just this week CWA members in District 3 (states across the Southeast) went on strike against AT&T over the companies refusal to negotiate in good faith. These are the fights that we honor on Monday.
On Monday, September 2, take a moment to talk to your kids, your family, and your friends about the meaning of the holiday and raise a glass to the hard work of union members from today and yesteryear. Remind them that on the first Monday in September, we say thank you to all of the working men and women that make our nation run. Happy Labor Day!
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