Thursday, May 23, 2024

No one knows better than us how devastating layoffs can be—to workers, to families, and to our communities. No one should have to go through that, and no one should have to live and work with the fear that their job could be at risk every few years based on the whim of government contracts. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening right now to 300 CWA members who work in state-contracted call center jobs. We have an opportunity to pass statewide legislation that would protect call center workers and good union jobs, but we need all hands on deck right now to get it over the finish line!
New York State contracts with private sector employers to provide call center services, and right now, when the contract changes hands, that can spell mass layoffs for the experienced workforce. CWA Local 1101 represents nearly 300 workers at the State-contracted E-ZPass Customer Service Center on Staten Island—but because the State rebid the contract to a new company and did not ensure any worker retention requirements, their jobs are in jeopardy. We can’t let this happen again.
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