Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY Communication Workers of America Local 1109 announced their support today for Brooklyn attorney Andrew Gounardes, the Democratic candidate for State Senate in southern Brooklyn’s 22nd district."CWA Local 1109 is supporting Andrew Gounardes because he is hard working and committed to fighting for working families, good jobs and our hardworking members," stated Treasurer/Political Committee Chairman Tony Barone. "Furthermore, I urge our members to vote for Andrew Gounardes because unlike his opponent, Marty Golden, I know Andrew would never cross our picket line at the height of contract negotiations." CWA Local 1109 has approximately 1,500 members in Brooklyn many living in southern Brooklyn.
Chris Calabrese, Executive Vice-President of Local 1109, continued, "On behalf of our members, 1109 is proud to endorse Andrew Gounardes for State Senate in the 22nd District. Because we believe Andrew will stand up for labor in Albany and fight for our members as the next State Senator, we will work hard to make sure he is elected in November and look forward to working with him as a member of the State Senate."
Gounardes accepted the endorsement saying he was honored by the support of the hard working communication workers of Local 1109. “Local 1109's dedication to its members during this tough contract negotiation period is a reminder to everybody that workers are stronger when they are organized. I look forward to working together with Local 1109 and organized labor on issues that matter to working families here in southern Brooklyn. Together we will fight for better wages, better transit service and better schools in our neighborhoods."
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